Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Liabilities arising from guarantees and pledges in favor of THIrd parties

Contingent liabilities as at December 31, 2014, amounted to CHF 198.9 million (CHF 178.6 million in 2013). This figure comprises guarantees given to counterparties providing credit lines for borrowings and hedging to subsidiaries.

The companies, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG, Lindt  & Sprüngli Financière AG, Lindt & Sprüngli (International) AG, and Indestro AG together form a Swiss-VAT group. According to Art. 15, paragraph 1, item c of the Swiss Value Added Tax Law and Art. 22, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Swiss Value Added Tax Ordinance, all members participating in VAT-group taxation are jointly liable for all taxes owed by the VAT group (including interest), which arose during their period of membership.

2. Investments

The investments in subsidiaries are listed on page 69 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

3. Bonds

In September 2014 the Company placed bonds of CHF 1 billion in order to finance the acquisition of Russell Stover Candies, LLC. The bonds consist of the following three tranches:

  • CHF 250 million floating rate bond with a term of 3 years and a floating interest rate based on 3-month CHF LIBOR plus 0.18% per annum. The interests are paid quarterly, starting January 8, 2015;
  • CHF 500 million bond with a term of 6 years and a fixed coupon of 0.5% per annum. The interest payments will be due on an annual basis, starting October 8, 2015; and
  • CHF 250 million bond with a term of 10 years and a fixed coupon of 1.0% per annum. The interest payments will be due on an annual basis, starting October 8, 2015.
  • CHF million Interest rate Term Notional amount
    Floating rate bond variable 2014 – 2017 250.0
    Straight bond 0.5% 2014 – 2020 500.0
    Straight bond 1.0% 2014 – 2024 250.0
    Total     1,000.0

4. Acquisition and sale of treasury stock (registered shares [RS] and participation certificates [PC])

4. Acquisition and sale of treasury stock (registered shares [RS] and participation certificates [PC])
    2014   2013
Inventory of treasury stock RS PC RS PC
Inventory as at January 1 1,853 1,682 1,696 22,253
Additions 750 870
Retirements – 68 – 124
Share buy-back program 1) 23 11,048 1,682
Cancellation of shares – 589 – 22,253
Inventory as at December 31 2,558 12,730 1,853 1,682
Average cost of additions (in CHF) 56,034 43,913
Average sales price of retirements (in CHF) 50,538 37,199
Average cost of share buy-back program (in CHF) 50,076 4,254 3,843
Average cost of cancellation of shares (in CHF) 33,008 2,910

1) Own treasury stock (Share buy-back program) is valued at historical costs.

5. Conditional and approved capital

As of December 31, 2014, the conditional capital had a total of 528,906 participation certificates (559,661 participation certificates in 2013) with a par value of CHF 10.–. Of this total, 174,456 (205,211 in 2013) are reserved for employee stock option programs and the remaining 354,450 (354,450 in 2013) for capital market transactions. In the year under review, a total of 30,755 employee stock options (53,076 employee stock options in 2013) were exercised at an average price of CHF 2,409.56 (CHF 2,454.23 in 2013).

6. Reserves

6. Reserves
  Reserves from Capital Contribution Special Reserves
CHF thousand Requested Approved Not approved 1) Total Total
Balance as at January 1, 2013 122,223 7,498 129,721 282,421
Reserve from retained earnings 150,000
Additions during the year 128,061 1,668 129,729 – 1,668
Treasury stock – 35,226
Share buy-back program – 6,465
Cancellation of shares 281
Proposed dividend distribution – 120,990 – 120,990
Undistributed dividends on own registered shares and participation certificates 2,109 2,109
Options exercised from January 1 to April 24, 2013 – 1,834 – 1,834
Balance as at December 31, 2013 128,061 1,508 9,166 138,735 389,343
Reserve from retained earnings 170,000
Additions during the year 72,794 1,002 73,796 – 1,002
FTA approval March 17, 2014          
Approved reserves from capital contribution – 128,061 128,061
Treasury stock – 40,392
Share buy-back program – 48,150
Proposed dividend distribution – 126,896 – 126,896
Undistributed dividends on own registered shares and participation certificates 1,421 1,421
Options exercised from January 1 to April 30, 2014 – 869 – 869
Balance as at December 31, 2014 72,794 3,225 10,168 86,187 469,799

1) The Swiss tax administration (FTA) has not yet approved the capital transaction costs of TCHF 10,168 as reserves from capital contribution. This practice may be changed in the future.

7. Mandatory disclosure of interest positions pursuant to Art. 663c CO (Swiss Code of obligation)

As of December 31, 2014, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG disclosed the following shareholders (in accordance with Art. 663c CO and the articles of association), which own voting shares of more than 4%: “Fonds für Pensionsergänzungen of Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG”, “Finanzierungsstiftung für die Vorsorgeeinrichtung der Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli Aktiengesellschaft”, “Lindt Cocoa Foundation” and “Lindt Chocolate Competence Foundation”. As a group they held 20.3% of the voting rights of the Company (20.9% in 2013).

The participation of the Board of Directors, Group Management and Extended Group Management as at December 31, 2014, according to Art. 663c CO is as follows:

    Number of registered shares (RS) Number of participation certificates (PC) Number of options
    2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013
E. Tanner Chairman and CEO 3,103 3,039 6,943 8,967 19,750 17,750
A. Bulgheroni Member of the Board 1,000 1,000 5,900 5,900
Dr K. Widmer 1) Member of the Board 35
Dkfm E. Gürtler Member of the Board
Dr R. K. Sprüngli Member of the Board 1,092 1,090
Dr F. P. Oesch Member of the Board 13 17
P. Schadeberg-Herrmann Member of the Board 131
U. Sommer Group Management 12 12 140 1,449 7,450 9,369
Dr D. Weisskopf Group Management 7 5 2,400 1,800 9,650 10,550
A. Pfluger Group Management 5 5 30 30 5,188 8,213
R. Fallegger Group Management 5 5 1,969 1,612 6,035 5,985
K. Kitzmantel Extended Group Management 5 5 100 100 4,338 4,938
A. Lechner Extended Group Management 6 6 53 53 5,650 6,900
T. Linemayr Extended Group Management 4 4 77 77 5,500 5,350
Total   5,383 5,223 11,712 14,088 69,461 74,955

1) Mr. Dr K. Widmer left the Lindt & Sprüngli Group in 2014, therefore no participation is reported for 2014.

All other disclosures relating to the remuneration of the Board of Directos, Group Management and Extended Group Management required by Art. 663Bbis CO are provided in the Compensation Report.

8. Risk management disclosures

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG is fully integrated into the Group-wide risk assessment process of the Lindt & Sprüngli Group. This Group risk assessment process also addresses the nature and scope of business activities and the specific risks of Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG refer to the notes of the consolidated financial statements.

9. Accounting regulation

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG has not early adopted the new provisions on accounting and financial reporting of the Swiss Code of Obligations. The new accounting law must be applied from January 1, 2015 onwards.