Addresses of the Lindt & Sprüngli Group
For more than 170 years, Lindt & Sprüngli confirms its reputation as one of the most innovative and creative companies in the Premium chocolate market. Quality chocolate from Lindt & Sprüngli is distributed via own subsidiary companies and representative offices as well as countless independent distributors around the globe. The main markets are Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, and other European countries, as well as North America, Canada and Australia. The LINDT brand with its extensive and innovative global and local range of finest quality chocolate is present in around 120 countries worldwide.

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG
Seestrasse 204, CH-8802 Kilchberg
Phone +41 44 716 22 33,
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli GmbH
Süsterfeldstrasse 130, DE-52072 Aachen
Phone +49 241 8881 0,
Lindt & Sprüngli SAS
5, bd. de la Madeleine, FR-75001 Paris
Phone +33 1 58 62 36 36,
Lindt & Sprüngli S.p.A.
Largo Edoardo Bulgheroni 1,
IT-21056 Induno Olona
Phone +39 0332 20 91 11,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Austria) Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Hietzinger Haupstrasse 1A, AT-1130 Vienna
Phone +43 1 60 18 20,
Lindt & Sprüngli (UK) Limited
Top Floor, 4 New Square, Bedfont Lakes
Feltham, Middlesex TW14 8HA, Great Britain
Phone +44 208 602 4100,
Lindt & Sprüngli (España) SA
Torre Mapfre, Planta 39
Marina 16 – 18, ES-08005 Barcelona
Phone +34 93 459 02 00,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Nordics) AB
Telegrafgatan 6A, SE-16972 Solna
Phone +46 8 546 140 00,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1,
PL 02-797, Warsaw
Phone +48 22 642 28 29,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Czechia) s.r.o.
Karolinska 1, CZ-18600 Prague 8-Karlin
Phone +420 222 316 488,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Russia) LLC
17 Chistoprudniy Blvd, Bld. 1,
Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
Tel. +7 495 204 88 00,
Lindt & Sprüngli (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd.
18th Floor Portside
4 Bree Street
Cape Town 8001, South Africa
Phone +27 21 831 0300,
Lindt & Sprüngli (USA) Inc.
One Fine Chocolate Place
Stratham, NH 03885-2592, USA
Phone +1 603 778 81 00,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Canada), Inc.
181 University Avenue, Suite 900
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3M7, Canada
Phone +1 416 351 85 66,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Brazil) Holding Ltda.
Rua João Lourenço, 746, 8th floor
Vila Nova Conceição
São Paulo, Brazil, CEP 04508-0301
Phone +55 11 4689 8180
Lindt & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd.
Room 3428, Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hongkong, China
Phone + 852 25 26 58 29
Lindt & Sprüngli (China) Ltd.
Tomson International Commercial Building
Room 1607-1608
710 Dong Fang Road, Pudong
200122 Shanghai, PR of China
Tel. + 86 21 5831 1998,
Lindt & Sprüngli Japan Co., Ltd.
Pole Star Building No.5, 7-6-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Phone +81 3 3479 1005,
Lindt & Sprüngli (Australia) Pty Ltd
16 Hollinsworth Road, Marsden Park
NSW 2765, Australia
Phone +61 29 854 25 00,
Caffarel S.p.A.
Via Gianavello 41,
IT-10062 Luserna S. Giovanni
Phone +39 0121 958 111,
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company
1111 – 139th Avenue
San Leandro, CA 94578-2631, USA
Phone +1 510 483 69 70,
Russell Stover Chocolates, LLC
4900 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64112, USA
Phone +1 816 842 92 40,
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG, Rep. Office Dubai
PO Box 72155
Dubai, UAE
Tel. + 971 (4) 331 70 01
Lindt & Sprüngli (UK) Limited,
Rep. Office Dublin
Unit 412, QHouse, 76 Furze Road, Sandyford
Dublin 18, D18HV56, Irland
Phone + 353 (1) 293 69 09