12. Accounts receivable

12. Accounts receivable
CHF million 2015 2014
Accounts receivable, gross 934.2 944.9
Value adjustment – 27.1 – 27.4
Total 907.1 917.5
Value adjustment as at January 1 – 27.4 – 20.4
Addition – 6.7 – 13.1
Utilization 4.8 4.4
Release 0.9 1.8
Currency translation 1.3 – 0.1
Value adjustment as at December 31 – 27.1 – 27.4

The following table presents the aging of accounts receivable:

CHF million 2015 2014
Not yet past due 756.0 733.8
Past due 1–30 days 130.2 127.7
Past due 31–90 days 29.0 60.1
Past due over 91 days 19.0 23.3
Accounts receivable gross 934.2 944.9

Historically, the default rate for accounts receivable in the category “Not yet past due” was lower than 1 %. Hence, the default risk is considered to be low. Value adjustments are calculated based on the assessment of the default risk with regards to accounts receivable balances already past due.

The carrying amounts of accounts receivable are denominated in the following currencies:

CHF million 2015 2014
CHF 48.6 52.8
EUR 312.3 352.8
USD 340.6 304.1
GBP 57.3 59.3
Other currencies 148.3 148.5
Accounts receivable net 907.1 917.5